Monday, September 30, 2013

Satan is the Worst!

Let me explain.  This week, we really wanted to be better with everything because we aren´t seeing much progress in our area.  Our entire zone is feeling the same way and so we decided as a zone to have a fast together. 40 days of purification in which we try to be the best missionaries that we can be.  We had our meeting tuesday and we were so pumped up.  We were working like crazy, knocking doors, calling members, and doing everything.  We were doing so great, and then a mosquito bit me.  I know it sounds really stupid, but it was a big deal.  We continued to work and work and work.  And by the time that I got home, my hand was SWOLLEN.  The pictures don´t do it justice, but it was huge.  I couldn´t see my knuckles or anything.  I didn´t want to go to the doctor because that´s a really lame excuse, but my companions convinced me and we left.  We went to the hospital and 10:00 at night with a swollen hand.  They gave me a Argentine version of Benadryl and I went home.  I don´t remember the next two days because I was pretty medicated.  I don´t know what that drug was, but I never want to take it again. In fact, we went to eat with a member one of the days and the member asked my companion, "what happened to your companion?"  Apparently I was just standing there staring out the window at something.. I don´t even know what.  It´s actually kind of really creepy.  Poor member.  That´s why satan is the worst.  Because when we try and do better and to progress, that´s when he sends little things that make our hands swollen so we have to be medicated for a couple days.  Really, it´s lame and I am sick of it.  When I told my companion that I don´t have allergies she just told me that the mosquitos here have Argentina Pride so they are going to do whatever it takes.  (She´s from Argentina so she can joke about it.)

Anyway, later this week we went to Cerri to help out the rest of our district.  It was miserably cold, and nobody let us into their houses, but all was well.  We met a lot of people that were very sincere and now the Elders there have more people to work with.  Doesn´t matter where you are, the message is still the same and the church is still true.  

Also, side note.  It´s very very rainy here.  With rain comes other stuff.  Like in Utah, we have a lot of worms after rain.  Here, there are frogs.  Dead frogs that have been smashed by cars with their guts on the outside.  I thought it was pretty funny so I started counting them yesterday.  My companion didn´t appreciate that too much, but I thought it was funny.  Poor frogs.

Anyway so much happened this week, but all is well and this area will improve.  I know it.  At least I hope, because it´s been really frustrating.  Sorry that my thoughts are so scattered.  Love you all. 

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