Thursday, September 5, 2013

Activation Activity / Camila / Frederico

Foto Santa Rosa
This week we honestly worked ourselves to death.  We are so exhausted right now, it is not even funny.  We had some pretty cool experiences though.  So the majority of what we do here is work with the less actives, it feels like.  There are so many.  We went through the whole ward list, and it was pretty humbling to realize that less than 10 percent of all the baptized members even go to the church.  With our ward mission leader, we decided to have a huge activity for all of our investigators and members with games and a lot of fun other stuff.  So, I will just explain that night because it was a little unusual. 
There were two parts to the activity.  There was an hour beforehand to learn a lot of things about first aid so that in case of emergency, people can be more aware of the things they can do to save lives if necessary.  The second part was a noche de hogar with games and food and everything with bundles of joy.  When we showed up, however, the patriarch pulled us aside and said, "You have 4 new investigators waiting for you."  It turns out there were four 17 year old boys who wanted to know more about the church (yeah, they were doing a school project, but Props to them for not using Wikipedia).  I do not really know exactly why I am explaining this because they ended up asking us out on a date for ice cream, so I am not so sure we explained the mission very well.  Oh well, one of them was actually pretty interested and asked a lot of good questions, so who knows.  Hopefully 1 out of 4 will be interested at least.  I will let you know how it goes. 
Anyway, I explain the story of these boys because that is why we were late to the activity (that we were in charge of).  We finally got done explaining and booked it to the activity.  We had been handing out invitations all week.  At least 50 invitations to all of our investigators, members, and random people on the street.  Only one family came: the familia Haspert.  I was actually really shocked to see them because they have not been in the church for so long.  But they actually came, and it was amazing to see them!  We played games and had a lot of fun with them.  One of their daughters really wants to come to church, but her father has not allowed it.  We asked her if she would ask her parents if she could come to church, and they said that would be fine.  We went to go pick her up in the morning to walk with her to church.  We thought for sure that she would not end up coming, because that is kind of the way things work here.  But when we rang the doorbell, and immediately her dad opened the door and Camila was wearing a little dress with her Book of Mormon in hand. 
Vicky at her birthday party.  

Her other cake.

She loved the church, and she is preparing for her baptism.  The only problem is that her dad wants to do it, but he needs a little more time.  Really though, they are so great and the whole family wants to come back to church.  At this point, they just do not know exactly how.
Also, one more that I do not think that I have talked about.  Frederico!  He is the cousin (actually he is the neice) of a member in the ward.  Which is interesting because Frederico is older than his uncle Santiago, but they are living together now because of some problems in the family.  Anyway,  Frederico is a 17 year old boy, who is absolutely awesome.  We first met him in the street when he was walking with Santi.  Frederico suffers from a disease that disabled his muscles from growing to full capacity, so walking for him is really difficult.  We have been having lessons with him, and they have been going really well!  He came to church last week, and absolutely loved it.  His grandma told us that he went up to her the other day and said, "Grandma, is my white shirt ready for church this week?"  He was so excited to go, so we are praying for him because he is an awesome kid!  Well, I think that is about it, so much more happened, but I really cannot write all of it.
Love you all, write me!
Hermana Tovar on one of the streets  . . . yeah, it's dry here!

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