Monday, September 9, 2013

Transferred to Hospital, Buenos Aires

Okay everybody, a shocker happened.  I am no longer in Toay.  I am now in Hospital, Buenos Aires.  I hear that the people here are really nice so I am really excited to work here.  When we got the call, Hermana Tovar and I were both really shocked when they said that I was leaving.

I love Toay.  I will just talk about my last day there.  First off, our recent convert Margarita always relies on people for rides to get to the church each week, but this week, we totally forgot to call her.  Some of the ward members were really worried that she was a little too dependent on the members fo everything.  Anyway, we were in the middle of relief society and all of a sudden Margarita walked in.  She was so exhausted from the walk there that she was breathing pretty heavy, but she came!  So I am actually really happy with how everything turned out.  At the end of relief society, Hermana Gozalez asked me if I would give the closing prayer because I was the Hermana leaving.  Then everyone found out that I was leaving....  They all just looked at me, and I got up to say the prayer.  I started the prayer and then I couldn´t continue because I was crying so bad.  It was really sad, but all of the ward members after gave me a huge hug and told me it would be okay.  

I left on a bus that night and said goodbye to La Pampa for a while.  

Well that was sad, there were also funny things that happened.  For instance, I don´t know if I explained this, but everyone always greets you with a kiss.  Sometimes it is really awkward because we aren´t allowed to receive kisses from the men.  Sometimes they attack you because you are American.  Twice.  Creepy men with moustaches.  And after... women with moutaches.  That was a little awkward.

Also, I wanted to eat a hard boiled egg so I cracked my egg open.  It hadn´t been cooked.

My companion hermana Tovar flooded the bathroom in the church.  Literally water filled up the whole floor.  It was a good last day.

Now I am in Hospital and my companion is Hermana Medina.  I live with 3 other hermanas all from different parts of Argentina.  They don´t speak any english.  This transfer is going to be fun.

Love you all, see you in a while.  Weird to think that I almost have 7 months in the mission!

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