Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I go by Hermana Marta now.

Wow, I cannot believe that another week has gone by.  When I first arrived here, my companion was sick.  Go figure, I am in an area named Hospital so it´s only appropriate.  Really though, it is so much different here.  I am now living with 3 hermanas that are all from Argentina and don´t speak any English.  My companion is Hermana Medina and honestly she is so cool.  She is one of the funniest people I have ever met.  Hermana Ibaña and Hermana Severiche are the other two Hermanas that I live with.  Every night is pretty much a party with them.  Sometimes though, I forget that they cannot speak english.  We were in a zone meeting and sometimes the native elders like to conduct the meetings in English.  Elder said, "we will now sing hymn one hundred and fifty three."  My companion turned to me and asked what hymn he said.  I repeated him... in english.  She had such a confused look on her face, but then we realized the problem and laughed quite a bit.

Anyway, my first day here.  My companion was sick and so was Hermana Severiche and so Hermana Ibaña and I went out to work together.  We had a lot of fun actually. We went and we were in the street and I was like, "let´s talk to this lady."  She is so short, has crutches, had throat surgery, a fake leg, and she couldn´t hear.  We started talking to her, and she was so cool.  She really could not hear at all.  She asked my name and we were screaming my name at her.  By the end my name became Hermana Marta so that´s what I go by now.  Anyway, her birthday was the next day so we set up a time to see her on birthday.  She gave us the address and so the next day we went to her house.

We had a hard time finding her house, but we finally found it and it turned out it was a place where a ton of people lived.  And when we walked in there was a huge picture of the Pope and a statue of the virgen Mary. Turns out it was a house from the Catholic church. The most awkward part about finding her was that we had to ask to Nuns where we could find her.  She wanted us to talk to her in the hallway, but she couldn´t hear so we were screaming at her everything that was going on.  We felt uncomfortable preaching our doctrine in a Catholic house so we tried to teach out of the bible and set up an appointment for a different hour.  Then she kept asking questions.  It was the most awkward lesson I have ever taught because we were screaming the answers at her with the nuns in the next room. Actually probably not the most awkward, but it was definitely pretty close.

Anyway, it´s been pretty interesting here.  Definitely a lot different.  Well, there is a lot more to say, but writing it all down would take too much time.


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