Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Another week in the land of Bahia Blanca!

We had a really good week, mostly because we made some progress with some awesome people!

One is named Teresa.  Teresa is really old and has very advanced cancer.  The doctor told her that she has 6 months left to live. She has a kitchen in which she feeds people that cannot afford to buy food
for themselves.  The missionaries taught her over 15 years ago and she knew that the church was true then and so now we are just reteaching everything because she wants to get baptized so bad.  During the first lesson we were talking and she asked, "what do I need to do to get baptized?"  That was the most shocking question ever during a lesson, but she knows that it´s important and she always jokes about how it´s even more important for her because she knows she doesn´t have much
time.  Which is a little uncomfortable for us at times because we don´t know whether to laugh or not.  It´s awkward.  She is absolutely so sweet.  She is completely bald, has no voice, but her heart is the
biggest that I have ever seen.  Even when she knows that she could go any day, she is still serving everyone around her.

The other investigator that I want to talk about is Hermano Escudero. His wife and all of his kids are active members in the church, but he has never really had any interest.  There are a lot of families like
that here, it´s a little unusual.  But when I first got here, and Hermana Medina was telling us about our investigators, I felt a big explosion of spirit that I knew that we needed to teach him, and that he was going to pick up this time.  Yesterday we went into the chapel and we sat next to his family.  He wasn´t there...  but then, I heard the door open and turned around.  It was him!  I was so excited that I
yelled at my companion in english, "turn around!"  She didn´t understand me, but she could tell that I was excited.  One of the other Hermanas that we live with taught him a couple months back.
(She served here 6 months ago or more and then return after two transfers in a different area.)  She told us that she was trying to get him to come to church for the whole time that she was there and she was really shocked when she saw him in the church wondering how we did it.  It was a good day yesterday.

And be prepared family, when I get back from Argentina I am going to cook so much delicious food.  We made ñokis last week and yesterday we made Empanadas.  Pretty much it´s still amazing here in Argentina.

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