Monday, August 26, 2013

Week of Miracles

My District and I

No joke.  Also, my health is back completely!

So the other week I probably wrote about Yamila.  Anyway, she is doing so well!  We stopped by a couple days ago, and her family wanted to listen.  Her whole family.  They are a family of five and they are soooo nice.  They ask us questions, but at the same time, they seem to just understand everything the first time that we explain it.  I really can´t explain everything, but trust me, they are just really awesome.

Then yesterday, we had some pretty cool experiences.  We had plans to go see some people that lived really far away.  Well, about a half our walk.  Anyway, we always pray before we leave the apartment, and during the prayer, I got a feeling that said, "Go visit Ana y Jeremías."  They were a referral that I have NEVER met before.  So I ignored it.  We started walking and I just felt it stronger.  After we had been walking for a long time.  I finally turned to Hermana Tovar and said, "Hermana, you are going to hate me, but we need to go see a referral."  We turned around 180 degrees and walked the complete other direction.  After walking about 45 minutes or so, we got to the house.  We knocked (well clapped) but nobody was home.  We were about to go home, but then we saw a lady outside her house.  So we decided to ask her if she knew anything about Ana y Jeremías.  Turns out, it was her!  We just had the wrong address.  We talked to them for a long time!  Her mom is baptized and lives in Santa Rosa.  They proceeded to tell us that they are only here on saturdays and sundays because he works far away.  Good thing we found them this week because they would have been gone when we try again.  I don´t know where it will go, but it will be good.

The girls in my zone with Viviana.

Then the same thing happened that night.  We were walking to our usually sunday evening appointement with the familia Cruces.  We were walking past this lady and we said hello and kept walking.  La familia Cruces wasn´t home yet (which is pretty weird) but we just sat there.  Hermana Tovar then told me.. when need to go back to see that girl.  So we went back.  Turns out that she was baptized a long time ago, and is going through a lot of difficulties.  She has 5 kids and one on the way.  She was almost in tears when we came back.  We are meeting with her this week to talk about everything.

A couple of days ago, we heard a cat outside.  It´s an ugly thing (it´s even uglier now, but I will explain why).  It was a kind of creepy cat.  We ignored it.  Then, one day we woke up and the cat was starting to make weird weird noises.  It was kind of sad.  I don´t really know how to explain it.  To make the story short.. this cat died on our back porch.  The only way to get to our back porch is through the house too.  So yeah, that´s exciting.

My week was great and we are excited to be able to work.

The dead cat . . . yeah, we took a picture!

Taking the dead cat out to the garbage.  I put bags on my hands to use as gloves.

1 comment:

  1. Glad she is feeling better!!
    That cat story was hilarious!
    She sounds great and happy.
    Thanks for posting her emails and pictures!
    We sure enjoy them!
