Monday, August 12, 2013

Hermano Gabelo Speaks

So I was really sick this week everybody.  On Monday, I felt really sick, but it was not a big deal, and tuesday I felt awful.  We were in District Meeting and Elder Martinez was talking about something (I have no idea what) and then he stops and asks, "Hermana Vawdrey, are you feeling okay?  Because you do not look so good."  So later that day, la familia Gunther took us to the Doctor to see what was going on.  My lungs and throat sounded really bad, but he gave me some stranger pills and sent me on my merry way.  I could not leave the house for pretty much the whole week.  It was awful.  But now, we have a really clean freezer (because we chipped out ALL of the ice that had accumulated on all sides).  Needless to say it was pretty great. (sarcasm) 

So Sunday was pretty awesome though.  I still was not feeling fantastic, but everything was okay, still.  But the part that I absolutely loved was Sacrament Meeting.  There is a family that we have been working with.. la familia Gabela.  Hermana Squire and I had a noche de hogar with them a couple weeks ago, and they have not missed church since.  To make it even better, Hermano Gabela gave a talk today!  In that talk, he talked about when the Hermanas came to his house to have family home evening with them, he started to remember everything he had learned previously and about his mission that he served.  He talked a lot about how things from the outside world attack our families.  It was so great to hear him say this stuff because at that time I was feeling really useless as a missionary.  But it was a little tender mercy to know that I was helping someone somewhere.

After Sacrament meeting, the stake patriarch asked me how I was doing, and he could tell that I was still struggling a little bit.  They gave me a healing blessing that was really powerful right after sacrament meeting.  It was the patriach, Hermano Galdame, and Leo Ortiz that gave me the blessing.  It really was really powerful, and it was really great to see Leo using and magnifying his priesthood because he has only had it for a week now!  But it really was awesome.  Anyway, since I did not work too much this week, I really do not have too much to say.

Peace out, chillens.

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