Monday, August 5, 2013

The Good, the Bad and the Awkward

Alright, where to start?  Yesterday was an amazing day. It was the confirmation of Margarita and a baby blessing for the daughter of a recent convert.  Margarita was so excited for this day.  She even put on lipstick because it was a such a special day!  After the confirmation, she was just so happy that she was crying because it was so special for her.  She is absolutely great!  We still have to review a lot of things because it doesn´t all quite stick in her head, but she is so willing to do everything that we ask her to do.  Then there was a baby blessing of baby emma.  When they walked in the church, we say Leo y Paola with their kids and Emma was in a little white dress with a little white headband, and Leo gave the blessing.  It´s really special because he was baptized about 3 months ago.  It´s just so great to see both of them progressing in the gospel so much!  I wish I had been here a little bit earlier to see his baptism and wedding, but I am glad that I get to be a part of this much.  It´s just so great to see two people who accepted the gospel and are progressing within in.  It really is fantastic and really special for us to see because we know how happy it really is going to make them!

Other fun and exciting things..  So to start off, I was pretty sick this week.  Fever all week long, and it was really difficult for me.  But last night, my companion and I were talking and I told her that I was done being sick, and I just want to go out.  She felt the same way because we have both been really motivated to go out and work lately.  So before we left, we said a heartfelt prayer to help us know where to go and who to talk to.  That´s when we met Yamila.  She is the most awesome person I have ever met.  She has never been to the church before, but she has a friend who goes to the church and knows that it´s a good thing.  She was visiting her Aunt and just went out to go get ice cream right as we were walking by.  I don´t know exactly what´s going to happen, but I think we have a good investigator who is ready and willing. 

Also, being on the mission always has it´s awkward moments.  For example.. it is very clear that I am a foreigner.  We were headed to our district meeting last week, and we were talking to a few of the Elders at the bus stop.  Before anything was even said, one of the Elders turns to my companion and asks where she is from.. then he turns to me and just said, "and I know where you are from."  Something about Blue eyes.. nobody has them here.  ALSO, one of the ladies in the ward yesterday told me that her son is interested in me.  Thinking I didn´t hear correctly with my spanish, I asked my companion.  She confirmed... so that´s awkward.  Really though, the mission is full of awkward situations, but at the same time, it´s really fun.

So yeah, our companionship is going really well with Hermana Tovar.  I am helping her with her english and she is helping me with my spanish so it´s been pretty good.  We get along really well, and we both want to work really hard now.  So it´s been good, and I think that´s about all that I have to write for this week.  I hope that everyone is doing really well at home and having a lot of fun too!  Miss and love you all!

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