Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Saying Good-bye to Hermana Squire

Me and Hermana Squire

Me, Hermana Squire and Margarita right before her baptism!
What an interesting week that it has been!  Hermana Squire´s last day was yesterday and so we have just been running around trying to visit everyone that she wanted to say goodbye to.  We had a lot of good laughs her last couple days, and the very day that she left, we had a baptism!  Yes, Margarita was baptized!  It was amazing.  She was so excited!  She wore her skirt and her cute shoes because it was her special day!  The service was really special.  We had a lot of members there, and everyone was so welcoming and supportive of her decision to be baptized.  It really was such a great day!  After the baptism and saying goodbye to everyone, Hermana Squire and I just sat in our apartment putting all of the last stuff together.  We had to be home, but her bus didn´t leave until 2:00 in the morning.  So we just sat on the ground and told stories!  I am going to miss her a lot because she really was such a good example for me, and we got along really well!  We said goodbye at the terminal, and I was really sad.  But I am sure that she is really excited to see her family and friends!  The people here really do love her so much, and it´s going to be a little interesting this transfer.

The things that happened this week..  I feel like a lot happened this week, but at the same, this last week was probably the fastest week of my entire life.  And definitely the fastest week of my entire mission.  It´s already P day again.  Wow, time really does fly.  It´s weird to think that in like two weeks.. I will have 6 months in the mission.  My time with Hermana Squire went a little faster than I would have liked, but the mission is full of change so it´s all good.  For all of you that know Cydnee (weird calling her that, even though sometimes it would slip in the pension), I want you to know how great she is and how highly I think of her!  That´s all, give her all my love back in the states.  Someone has got to tell her that the CYBER MAN DIDN´T EVEN RECOGNIZE ME WHEN I WALKED IN! 

The work here.  We are currently working with two different couples, and they are all the sweetest people that I have ever met!  One of them came to church, and the other one I am sure will come next week.  Well, all is great in the lovely city of Toay!

So I guess that I should talk about my new companion, and what´s going on in Toay.  So my new companion is named Hermana Tovar, and she is from El Salvador.  She loves to practice her english because her dream to is to go to BYU one day.  She is really cute and just a bundle of joy.  Luckily I knew her before we became companions so it´s not like I am living with a total stranger.  She likes the Beatles and American music so I am sure that we will get along just fine.  All in all, I am really nervous for this transfer, but I know that we are going to have fun and have some success!  The people of Toay are really nice so I am really not too worried.  We will see how it goes.  I just can´t believe how fast this transfer zipped by! 

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