Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Hermana Squire and I with the Bishop's Family

Where to even begin?  Sometimes it´s really hard to even know what to say because so much happens every week.  And yet, it´s always difficult to think of the things to write. 

This week, we met some new people.  One of them is named Margarita.  To put it simply, she´s just pretty awesome.  She is 67 years old, and was a former investigator.  At the time, she wasn´

Also, we are being infested with bugs.  We were walking down the street a couple days ago, and some flew right into my eye.  I am sure that Hermana Squire thought that I was having a seizure because I thought that I was, too.  We are having a lot of fun here, just trying to live up Hermana Squire´s last days!  Because after she leaves, I am going to have to take over the great city of Toay, La Pampa.  And being that I am pretty much deaf, it´s going to be pretty interesting.  But really, you can ask Hermana Squire when she gets home if I am deaf.  It´s bad in english, so you can only imagine how bad it is in Spanish.  I am getting really good at asking, "What?"... which my district leader really appreciates.  At least Hermana Squire and I think it´s funny.

Well, greetings from Argentina and letters would be nice now that I know that I am staying in this mission for good. Love and miss you all! 

t interested.  We decided to stop by to see if she maybe wanted to start taking the lessons again.  She saw us, and just smiled from the window.  She welcomed into her house, and was so grateful that she was there.  A lot had happened in her life since the missionaries first taught her, and now she is totally ready.  We asked her if she wanted to be baptized, and before we even finished asking, she just said yes.  At the end of the first lesson with her, we asked her if she would pray to know if these things are true.  She may or may not have just started praying right then and there.  That part was actually pretty funny, but really!  She is so willing!  She came to church with us this Sunday and said that she felt a peace that she was looking for.  It was pretty funny because the second time that she went over there, she pulled out her Book of Mormon and started to explain that she hadn´t read the passage that we had left her.  At first, I was a little bummed because reading the book is how you find out that it´s true!  But then she began to explain how instead she started from he beginning.  She read all of the introductions, the testimonies, and a couple chapters in 1 Nephi.  We aren´t exactly sure how much she really understands, but she knows that it will bless her life, and she told me on Sunday that this is going to change her whole life!  Woot woot!  So that was pretty exciting this week!

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