Thursday, July 25, 2013


This is the question that Hermana Squire and I ask ourselves every morning, and I am not using any sarcasm there.  Currently, I am wearing 7 layers, scarf, beanie, gloves, boots, and the rest of the whole winter get up.  But guess what?  I am still cold.  So I hope you are all enjoying the weather there because it´s not like that everywhere in the world.  Which is actually really weird because a couple days ago it was really warm, and that was a pretty funny day.

Hermana Squire's bloody nose.

Hermana Squire and I were walking out of the apartment to an appointment.  Then Hermana Squire stops, and just says, "uh... Hermana.  My nose is bleeding."  I looked over and it was bleeding bad!  We both just kind of stopped because we didn´t know what to do.  We didn´t really just want to show up at someone´s house to say, "Hello, we are missionaries who want to share with you a message that will bring your family a lot of happiness and unity..  and yes, my companion is probably getting blood on your floor."  Needless to say, we just didn´t know what to do.  But then we decided to just knock a random door because we didn´t have tissues or anything, and I think it would be a little inappropriate to use the Book of Mormon.  So we knocked on a random door, and this lady answered.  It was during the siesta so it wasn´t really a surprise when she came to the door half asleep and probably a little irritated.  We asked for a tissue or paper or something and then she just, without saying anything, handed us some tissues and closed to the door.  Real exciting, I know.  How productive that day was!

Well that was one of the funny things that happened this week, but there were quite a few.  We had an awesome lesson with the cutest couple ever!  They have been living together for... a really long time.  They are both divorced, but didn´t want to get married because of inheritance issues; however, she is a lawyer so I am sure that she will be able to work something out.  They are absolutely the sweetest, and their house is sooo nice.  Like so nice that I think their might be carpet in there somewhere!  Who knows, though.  And they absolutely love Hermana Squire!  I am kind of more of the silent, awkward type in most situations, but it´s okay because she is great enough to cover up my slack.  Really, I am going to miss her when she leaves... in a week!  Anyway, this couple loves her and so we are going to have lunch with them this week before she goes!

And Margarita is still doing really well!  She has been really sick this whole week, and she told us that she couldn´t go outside at all in the cold, but she really wanted to come to Sacrament Meeting yesterday!  It takes a while for her to learn, but she is the MOST willing person that I have ever met!  She came to Sacrament yesterday, and she LOVES it.  I have never met anyone who enjoys the spirit there so much.  Last night we taught her the Word of Wisdom, and it takes her a while to learn things so we weren´t really sure at what was going to happen.  The last time we were there we teaching, she told us that she used to smoke.  We asked her if she had any in the house that might be a temptation.. she gave them to us, and we crushed them up and threw them away.  (Also, cigarette boxes having all of these pictures of people who are dying from smoking too much and a number to quit smoking.. I need to get a picture of a cigarette box because it tries to disuase people from smoking).  But anyway, we taught the Word of Wisdom and said, "Do you think you´ll have a problem with any of these substances?"  Just tea, but she only drinks Herbal Tea anyway!  It was great because she gave up everything else a long time ago.  As long as the people here can drink their Mate, they seem pretty happy.  She is so prepared it´s crazy!

This week we also had interviews with President Parreño.  He really is the best!  He only speaks spanish so that´s a little bit different.  He really just wants to make sure that I have the best mission that I can, and he really does care.  I thought that it would be really hard for me to accept another mission president because President Winn from the Utah Salt Lake City Mission was unbelievably awesome!  Well, they are just different, and I know that there are things that I needed to learn from both!  It really is amazing how fast I started to love them here! 

Also, I talked about the crazy driving, but there´s so much more.  I am pretty sure that it´s a game to see how many people you can fit on a motorcycle.  Children on laps.. yeah, it´s totally normal.  Even children standing on the front seats of moving cars.  Do me a favor and buckle up your children! 

The City of Santa Rosa

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