Monday, October 14, 2013

Hermano Escudero, Teresa and Ismael

Me and my companion Hermana Medina.

All four of us that live in Hospital.
The other day, I was looking out the window from our apartment and I saw a horse carriage thing.  It´s a normal thing to see everday in the city roads.  Then I realized, this is kind of weird.  I am in a different country.  Sometimes I forget because I am really used to life here now, but there are many things that are different.  It´s going to be weird when I come home.  But hey, later today I am going to Walmart.. (Yeah, apparently there´s a Walmart here.)

Anyway, this week was excellent because it was the conference and so we were inviting everyone to the conference.  Three people I want to talk about:

First, Hermano Escudero.  Let me give you the background story.  His wife has been a member her whole life, but went less active when she was a teen.  About 10 years ago or less, she came back to the church and now she is so active.  He has a daughter that wanted to be baptized a long time ago, but he was opposed to the idea and wouldn´t let her.  After she turned 21, she no longer needed his permission and she was baptized.  Then she served a mission in Nicaragua.  In fact, we were looking at pictures from her mission and there was one from the MTC in Guatemala.  Guess who was in the picture with her?  Chantel Knudsen.  Apparently they were in the MTC together there.  It´s really a small world because now we are teaching her Dad.  Anyway, we had a really good lesson with him the other day.  He really wants to know if these things are true.  At the end of our lesson, we asked him to pray, kneel down, and ask God if these things are true.  He is a really tall full grown man who knelt down on his knees to pray to know if these things are true.  He cried!  The whole family is praying that he gets baptized because he is the only one that isn´t a member in all the family.  But he came to the conference and we are pretty sure that he received his answers.  The church is true!

Second, Teresa.  She starts her cancer treatments next week, and we are really afraid that her health is going to go down because she has more problems than just the cancer.  She wants to be baptized so bad, but investigators have to come 3 times before they can be baptized.  The other day we went to her house with some Brothers from the ward to give her a blessing.  The next day, she had so much strength and she wanted to come to the conference.  SHE CAME!  She was in pain the whole time, but she said that it was worth it because she felt so good after.  It was amazing.

Third,  Ismael.  We met Ismael on Friday.  His wife and kids left him and all he does is drink all day everyday.  He has no desires to keep living and he lives his life day to do with everything that he does.  When we showed up (on accident)  he started to cry.  We told him about the conference and he wanted to come.  He came Saturday morning, and then he came Sunday morning... and then he came Sunday afternoon.  He said that the conferences gave him the strength to not drink.  Two days of not drinking!  It is fantastic!  

I wish I could write everything, but it is literally impossible.  So much happens everyday all day and we don´t have much times to write.  Sorry!  

The church is true and I love being a missionary.  That´s all.
On our way back from Conference.  Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is illegal.  

All four of us again!

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