Monday, April 14, 2014

We have miracles every day. Our only job is to recognize them.

Bueno, this week was another really good week. I realized that we have miracles everyday. Our only job is to recognize them. For example, we went to visit Juan Carlos, who had come to General Conference to see how he had felt and all that jazz. So we passed by his house a lot of times to see how we was doing. He never answered us, we rang the doorbell an annoyingly amount of times, but he never answered. The last time we went, and once again. He didńt answer us. We were about to leave and in that moment, he left from his house. He had a really weird look on his face that pretty much told us, "why are you here?" I was a little bit scared, but then he explained that he never heard the doorbell ring. Turns out the doorbell doesńt work and he was just going to go run a few errands right in the moment that we were in front of his house. We thought he was avoiding us, but nope. Turns out that he really liked what he heard in the conference and told us that he would come again.

Sunday morning, we had a missed call, but didńt know who it was. Long story short, it was Juan Carlos! He wanted to know if we were already there because he didńt want to enter the church alone! We were super psyched and once again, he really enjoyed it! So yeah, I like to think that when he felt like he "should run errands" was just God putting him in our path. Miracles exist everyday.

Speaking of other things that are miracles. Our intelligence. We have now successfully removed all of the lightbulbs from all of the rooms that do not absolutely need light. The bulbs keep going out and we just keep moving them around. But it́s gotten to the point that we dońt have light in the bathroom. Yeah, we have been using the flash on the cell phone to shower. I dońt know why I am telling you all this, but I just thought it was pretty funny.

Also, lawnmowers here have cords. They are more like Vacuums on grass.
Well, that́s all, LOVE YOU ALL!

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