Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Juan Carlos

I lost my Preach My Gospel and so Hermana Harrison bought me a new one.

Playing at the park.
Todas las hermanas en la zona con el Elder Buzo' antes de irse.
At the lider training meeting.
 This week my letter is going to be short.  I would explain everday, but really all that we did this week is talk to people and invite them to conference. Conference in the mission is so much better, seriously.  When there is an investigator sitting next to you and you are so focused on what they are saying and how your investigator is going to react, it´s a lot more entertaining.  Especially when your investigators are totally confused because they are talking about family history and baptisms for the dead, and they don´t even know what a temple is.  BUT, I realized that it isn´t always about the message that is presented, but rather the feelings that we reaceive.  Saturday we were sitting in the chapel waiting for conference to start.  We were waiting for all of our investigators to show up.  

We started listening.  Passed the choir, first talk, second talk, third talk... and then a member turns to us and whispers, "Hey, I think you guys have an investigador a fuera."  Bueno, we went to go see who it was.  It was Juan Carlos.  He is the uncle of an investigador that we were visiting (and we thought he had no interest).  Anyway, we invited him in, sat with him, and explained some things about the prophets and apostles.  After a little bit, he pulled out his phone.  I was thinking, "Oh great, he´s super bored, baptisms for the dead, the resurrection, and a lot of other things he´s never even heard of."  Then, I realized that he just pulled out his phone so that he could turn it off.  When it ended, we were a little anxious to see his reaction of everything.  He then told us, "So... how long to have you to be studying to be a part of all of this?"....  uh...  3 weeks if you want.  (investigators need to have at least 3 attendances in the church).. we didn´t know what to say, but he said that he felt something special. It was all really cool, because he didn´t understand even half of what was being talked about, but he could feel that it was right.  

That was pretty much my week this week.  I was too distracted with the conference to think of anything else.  

Seriously, if you haven´t watched or listened to the conference, it´s super easy.. (also goes for the people who fell asleep during conference.. {I am talking to you, dad.}), Listen to it while you to cleaning or homework or driving.  It´s super great!

That´s all from Argentina this week!

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