Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The singing approach / Repentance takes time.

Doing Service

This week was a good week.  A lot because the weather was a lot nicer this week than last week.  

We had some pretty cool experiences.  Hermana Parreño had given us an idea to sing at doors to meet people.  In this case, it was an investigador that we already had named Mariza.  We went to her house and she was laying in her bed.  We knocked the door and she said, "No no no, I don´t want anything to do with you guys right now."  We opened her window and started to talk to her a little bit, she didn´t really want anything.  We asked, "Do you want us to pray."  "You can pray if you want, but I am not going to do anything."  Alright, we decided to sing instead.  We started to sing, "Señor te necesito."  I don´t remember what the translation is right now, but anyway, by the third verse, she was sitting up in the bed smiling.  And when we finished, she said, "Ahhh, chicas, come on in.  I need to talk."  BOOM.  It was great, and we don´t even have good voices.

As for other things, Juan Carlos is doing super well.  He was reading the other day that true repentance takes time.  And he doesn´t want to be baptized until he feels good about himself.  But it´s great because he trusts us now, and he calls us to see how we are doing and when he has questions about the gospel.  He says that he feels really good when he reads and he has more energy and desires to work.  So we are pretty excited about that.  As for Hermana Bermudez and I, we are doing really well.  We have set backs sometimes and she´s still adjusting to the weather and everything, but it´s all good!  

Also, I don´t know why it´s so hard to find ugly sweaters in Utah, because here they are so ugly and so cheap.  I bought the best ugly sweater yesterday for 5 pesos, aka 50 cents now due to inflation.  That´s better than DI.  (I know you were dying to hear that!)  

Anyway, that´s all for now.  I know that God loves us so much.  Thanks for all your prayers.

A can that we destroyed because we didn't have a can opener.

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