Monday, April 21, 2014

It hurts my brain to think or write in English!

Hermanas in Tandil.


Hermana Williams
Alright, this week is going to be a little bit short because we did divisions in Tandil this week, but all in all, this week was SUPER GREAT!  Monday was a great day, too.  We went to visit one of our investigators named Lucía.  Anyway, we were thinking about dropping her because she didn´t really seem interested and we could never get in her house to teach.  We went one last time and said to ourselves that if we didn´t get in the house, it was a sign that we shouldn´t teach her anymore.  We knocked the door and at first she wasn´t there.  We were about the leave and then she came outside.  Hey, chicas, how are you doing?  As I was thinking, "hmmm she´s never going to let us in"  she says to us, "HEY COME ON IN."  Seriously?  I couldn´t believe it.  Direct answers from God I guess.  ANyway, we went in and we taught a really long lesson with her.  As we were saying the closing prayer she starts to cry.  And she can´t stop.  Little did she know she was feeling the spirit.  God answers all of our prayers, sometimes it´s just a lot more obvious.
Sunday was an interesting day.  We went to go pick up an investigator that we had met earlier this week.  She is really great, but a little bit crazy.  We went in the house and she started to scream, cry, and say random things.  But we told her that we were going to walk with her to church.  She was so happy, and she actually came with us!  Every 3 seconds, she just kept asking us, "Do you have a boyfriend?" "and you?" and she kept asking us.  She then offered her son to us, so that was a little bit awkward.  We meet really interesting people everyday.  
Argentine Mosquites still hate my body!
BUT in the church, we were sitting patiently, and then de repente we totally see Juan Carlos!  We were super excited because it makes the third time that he has come and he actually likes it.  

Anyway, that´s really all that I have time for.  It hurts my brain the think or write in english.

Not because my spanish is good, but because I don´t use english.  At all.

Love you all!

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