Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The singing approach / Repentance takes time.

Doing Service

This week was a good week.  A lot because the weather was a lot nicer this week than last week.  

We had some pretty cool experiences.  Hermana Parreño had given us an idea to sing at doors to meet people.  In this case, it was an investigador that we already had named Mariza.  We went to her house and she was laying in her bed.  We knocked the door and she said, "No no no, I don´t want anything to do with you guys right now."  We opened her window and started to talk to her a little bit, she didn´t really want anything.  We asked, "Do you want us to pray."  "You can pray if you want, but I am not going to do anything."  Alright, we decided to sing instead.  We started to sing, "Señor te necesito."  I don´t remember what the translation is right now, but anyway, by the third verse, she was sitting up in the bed smiling.  And when we finished, she said, "Ahhh, chicas, come on in.  I need to talk."  BOOM.  It was great, and we don´t even have good voices.

As for other things, Juan Carlos is doing super well.  He was reading the other day that true repentance takes time.  And he doesn´t want to be baptized until he feels good about himself.  But it´s great because he trusts us now, and he calls us to see how we are doing and when he has questions about the gospel.  He says that he feels really good when he reads and he has more energy and desires to work.  So we are pretty excited about that.  As for Hermana Bermudez and I, we are doing really well.  We have set backs sometimes and she´s still adjusting to the weather and everything, but it´s all good!  

Also, I don´t know why it´s so hard to find ugly sweaters in Utah, because here they are so ugly and so cheap.  I bought the best ugly sweater yesterday for 5 pesos, aka 50 cents now due to inflation.  That´s better than DI.  (I know you were dying to hear that!)  

Anyway, that´s all for now.  I know that God loves us so much.  Thanks for all your prayers.

A can that we destroyed because we didn't have a can opener.

Monday, April 21, 2014

It hurts my brain to think or write in English!

Hermanas in Tandil.


Hermana Williams
Alright, this week is going to be a little bit short because we did divisions in Tandil this week, but all in all, this week was SUPER GREAT!  Monday was a great day, too.  We went to visit one of our investigators named Lucía.  Anyway, we were thinking about dropping her because she didn´t really seem interested and we could never get in her house to teach.  We went one last time and said to ourselves that if we didn´t get in the house, it was a sign that we shouldn´t teach her anymore.  We knocked the door and at first she wasn´t there.  We were about the leave and then she came outside.  Hey, chicas, how are you doing?  As I was thinking, "hmmm she´s never going to let us in"  she says to us, "HEY COME ON IN."  Seriously?  I couldn´t believe it.  Direct answers from God I guess.  ANyway, we went in and we taught a really long lesson with her.  As we were saying the closing prayer she starts to cry.  And she can´t stop.  Little did she know she was feeling the spirit.  God answers all of our prayers, sometimes it´s just a lot more obvious.
Sunday was an interesting day.  We went to go pick up an investigator that we had met earlier this week.  She is really great, but a little bit crazy.  We went in the house and she started to scream, cry, and say random things.  But we told her that we were going to walk with her to church.  She was so happy, and she actually came with us!  Every 3 seconds, she just kept asking us, "Do you have a boyfriend?" "and you?" and she kept asking us.  She then offered her son to us, so that was a little bit awkward.  We meet really interesting people everyday.  
Argentine Mosquites still hate my body!
BUT in the church, we were sitting patiently, and then de repente we totally see Juan Carlos!  We were super excited because it makes the third time that he has come and he actually likes it.  

Anyway, that´s really all that I have time for.  It hurts my brain the think or write in english.

Not because my spanish is good, but because I don´t use english.  At all.

Love you all!

Monday, April 14, 2014

We have miracles every day. Our only job is to recognize them.

Bueno, this week was another really good week. I realized that we have miracles everyday. Our only job is to recognize them. For example, we went to visit Juan Carlos, who had come to General Conference to see how he had felt and all that jazz. So we passed by his house a lot of times to see how we was doing. He never answered us, we rang the doorbell an annoyingly amount of times, but he never answered. The last time we went, and once again. He didńt answer us. We were about to leave and in that moment, he left from his house. He had a really weird look on his face that pretty much told us, "why are you here?" I was a little bit scared, but then he explained that he never heard the doorbell ring. Turns out the doorbell doesńt work and he was just going to go run a few errands right in the moment that we were in front of his house. We thought he was avoiding us, but nope. Turns out that he really liked what he heard in the conference and told us that he would come again.

Sunday morning, we had a missed call, but didńt know who it was. Long story short, it was Juan Carlos! He wanted to know if we were already there because he didńt want to enter the church alone! We were super psyched and once again, he really enjoyed it! So yeah, I like to think that when he felt like he "should run errands" was just God putting him in our path. Miracles exist everyday.

Speaking of other things that are miracles. Our intelligence. We have now successfully removed all of the lightbulbs from all of the rooms that do not absolutely need light. The bulbs keep going out and we just keep moving them around. But it́s gotten to the point that we dońt have light in the bathroom. Yeah, we have been using the flash on the cell phone to shower. I dońt know why I am telling you all this, but I just thought it was pretty funny.

Also, lawnmowers here have cords. They are more like Vacuums on grass.
Well, that́s all, LOVE YOU ALL!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Juan Carlos

I lost my Preach My Gospel and so Hermana Harrison bought me a new one.

Playing at the park.
Todas las hermanas en la zona con el Elder Buzo' antes de irse.
At the lider training meeting.
 This week my letter is going to be short.  I would explain everday, but really all that we did this week is talk to people and invite them to conference. Conference in the mission is so much better, seriously.  When there is an investigator sitting next to you and you are so focused on what they are saying and how your investigator is going to react, it´s a lot more entertaining.  Especially when your investigators are totally confused because they are talking about family history and baptisms for the dead, and they don´t even know what a temple is.  BUT, I realized that it isn´t always about the message that is presented, but rather the feelings that we reaceive.  Saturday we were sitting in the chapel waiting for conference to start.  We were waiting for all of our investigators to show up.  

We started listening.  Passed the choir, first talk, second talk, third talk... and then a member turns to us and whispers, "Hey, I think you guys have an investigador a fuera."  Bueno, we went to go see who it was.  It was Juan Carlos.  He is the uncle of an investigador that we were visiting (and we thought he had no interest).  Anyway, we invited him in, sat with him, and explained some things about the prophets and apostles.  After a little bit, he pulled out his phone.  I was thinking, "Oh great, he´s super bored, baptisms for the dead, the resurrection, and a lot of other things he´s never even heard of."  Then, I realized that he just pulled out his phone so that he could turn it off.  When it ended, we were a little anxious to see his reaction of everything.  He then told us, "So... how long to have you to be studying to be a part of all of this?"....  uh...  3 weeks if you want.  (investigators need to have at least 3 attendances in the church).. we didn´t know what to say, but he said that he felt something special. It was all really cool, because he didn´t understand even half of what was being talked about, but he could feel that it was right.  

That was pretty much my week this week.  I was too distracted with the conference to think of anything else.  

Seriously, if you haven´t watched or listened to the conference, it´s super easy.. (also goes for the people who fell asleep during conference.. {I am talking to you, dad.}), Listen to it while you to cleaning or homework or driving.  It´s super great!

That´s all from Argentina this week!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

God is always preparing people!

Hermana Bermudez and I
This is going to be a short email because we did divisiones this week, but this week was super great.  Hermana Bermudez and I are getting along really well and we had a lot of good experiences.

We have been looking for new ways to find people.  One of the ways that we wanted to try was through ex investigadores.  We went to a house, knocked the door, and asked if Raquel lived there.  She said, "24 years ago, the elders came to my house and taught me.  I had cancer at the time and they put oil on my head and blessed me.  I was cured after that and I felt something really special.  I couldn´t be baptized because I was living with my boyfriend but I always said that God would send messengers when I was ready again."

Yeah, I didn´t really know what to say after that.  I learned that God is always preparing people.  There are many people who asked to receive an answer and didn´t get one, but I always think it´s because God is preparing us in other ways.  Thanks to the elders 24 years, God prepared a super awesome lady.

As for other stuff.  I realized that you don´t really know about the culture of Argentina.  The only thing that you need to know is that they eat Mayonaise with EVERYTHING and they drink Mate EVERYWHERE.  Seriously, Mate is a drink that has herbs and you drink it was a straw that has a build in filter.  Seriously, it´s everywhere.  
I cooked super yummy nokis.
Where we slept because there weren't any mattresses.
And that´s about it.  Love you all!