Monday, December 9, 2013

I'm now a trainer of trainers.

The Sisters in 3 zones.
Our district and other random people.
First off, I have not slept in 3 days.  Literally.  Saturday they called us in the morning to tell us that Hermana Gaona was staying and that I was leaving to serve in Balcarce.  We were so sad because normally with trainers, we stay with each other at least 2 transfers.  I really thought that I did something wrong and that I was a horrible trainer because they were taking my daughter away from me (or taking me away from my daughter).  I was having a hard time with it because I didn´t want to go and I wanted a second chance to prove that I could train better.  I was getting ready for bed and still feeling bad, but right before falling asleep, the phone started ringing.  It was President Parreño.. I was freaking out.  Anyway, he called to tell me that I was going to be a trainer sister.  Yeah, I don´t really know what it means either.  But pretty much, there are three of us in the mission and we are in charge of the 60 sisters that are in the mission.  I wish I could explain more, but I really have absolutely no idea.  I hardly understood what President told me, luckily I had latin companions that told me that I would be training the trainers.  So I think that it means that I didn´t really fail at training.  
Elder Hall, Elder Cuadras (my zone leaders) and I . . . old zone leaders.
Hermanas of Hospital.

Hilda and I.

Teresa and I.

My daughter and I.

Anyway, my bus left at 10:30 at night and arrived in Mar del Plata at 6:00 in the morning.  After that we needed another bus from there to Balcarce.  Needless to say, I have absolutely no sleep and so I know that I don´t make much sense.  It´s gorgeous here though, and apparently the members help us out so much!  It´s all super great.  My companion is Hermana Rozsa from Draper, Utah.  She´s super great, we´re both new to the area so I am sure that it will be a week of a lot of confusion.  

Anyway, that´s pretty much it.  Love you all.  Write you in a week.
Our diligent exercises in the morning - a night that we didn't sleep!
We bought burgers in a super awesome restaurant!
I don't even know how to explain this one!

Hermana Vincent and I.

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