Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas!

So remember how I was so excited this week because I would finally be able to work all of the week!  Haha Nope.  Tuesday morning we have our district meetings and 15 minutes before leaving, one of the zone leaders called us and told us that we would be doing divisions with the other hermanas.  He told me that my companion would be staying and I would be going (vague right?) because I needed to work with the Hermana Batista. Anyway, I packed all of my bags and we headed to the meeting because I would be staying there for 2 days.  When we arrived at the meeting, the other Hermanas arrived.  The Hermana Batista had a bag packed and ready to go.  We were really really confused because she was supposed to stay.  Yeah, turns out that when the Elder told us that my companion would be staying.  He meant that she would be staying in Mar del Plata for two days after the meeting.  So yeah, I had all my stuff packed and my companion had nothing.  But Hermana Rozsa is a champ and so she said, "don´t worry don´t worry!"  My pour companion, I sent her off with literally nothing.
But other that that, everything went well.  We did our divisiones, met some great people, had some good lessons, and that was everything.  It´s so hard to believe that the christmas season is here.  It´s hard for me to believe it because it is so hot here.  Practically unbearable, but that´s okay. 
Anyway, our investigators are doing well, (surprisingly because we can´t work too much).  We have one that is 82 years old, but really spicy.  She makes jokes all the time and is practically already a member.  She wants to be baptized, but wants to make sure that health wise, everything is good before hand. 
Other investigator is named Enzo.  He is 18 years old and also, is practically a member.  He started going to church regularly 2 months ago and wants to be baptized as well.  The thing is that his mom does not support his decision and doesn´t want him to.  He is waiting for a Little bit because, even though he doesn´t need her permission.  He still wants her permission because he doesn´t want to cause contention in the family.  Anyway, that´s pretty much all that I have time for.
Love you all and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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