I can´t believe that I have already passed the
half way point of my mission. Time is flying by like crazy. Tomorrow I turn
22. I think, to be honest, it might be Wednesday. How sad that I don´t even
Anyway, it´s been pretty fun here, it´s been a lot of
changes for us too. The day that I celebrated my 9 month mark in the mission,
we celebrated with a new house! Yeah, it was a miserable day because we had to
pack up all of our stuff to move houses. It was awful because not only our
stuff, but the things of the house, too. But now we live super far away from
all our investigators and we have to run, literally run, to get home on time.
The good part is that we live on campus housing now and so there are always frat
parties and whatnot going on, which is really fun to listen to when we are
trying to sleep. But I actually really enjoy it because it reminds me of
college life. More or less.
All of our things packed up. |
Anyway, we had some pretty interesting
experiences this week. We were walking down the street and normally the people
reject us before even looking at us. It´s pretty funny, but friday there was
lady with a stroller and then she looked at us and she stopped us in the
street. SHE STOPPED US! Yeah, I wrote that correctly. She started telling us
how she wanted to change and be a better mom. She told us that she thinks that
we have the door to the truth, so that was pretty cool. Normally people reject
us, or if they believe us, they don´t want to change. So it was nice to have a
little fresh air.
Also, we talked with Ismael, he´s still doing
well. He still has some habits that he needs to break in order to be baptized,
but all is well. Last night we had a lesson with him, and it wasn´t exactly the
best lesson in the beginning, but in the end it turned out to be just
Hilda promised us that she would come to church, but in the
morning she told us that she couldn´t. Last week she did the same, but two days
before. Yesterday, it was yesterday morning. So I think this week will be
better. She suffers from Panic Attacks and anxiety, also, she found out she has
cancer, her son stole 4000 pesos, and she´s getting kicked out of her house.
Needless to say, she needs the gospel. She loves me a lot. She always calls me
German Face.. hmmm in english it doesn´t have a good ring to it. The other
night she couldn´t sleep and she said she wanted to call me, but didn´t. She
tells us everytime we come, "I don´t know how it´s possible, but everytime you
come to my house, I can always sleep really well during the night." DING DING
DING. We have the answers. She´s doing really well, despite all of her
ALSO, Argentina wants to kill me. I guess I touched
some plant or something and then I had red hives all over my legs. It didn´t
itch or anything so I left it alone and slept it off, but seriously, Argentina
hates me.
That´s all (that I can write.)
My diseased foot. |
Hermana Rodriguez cleaning the area. |
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