Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Transferred Again!

The Steele family knew that I liked Utah State and decided to show their support!

I can't even explain my last few days. Would you believe me if I said that I have been transferred again? Let me start with Saturday.

The last picture of Sister Vincent, Pratt and Mahterian.

Saturday morning we woke up, and we were all pumped because of the baptism and everything! It was going to be the BEST day ever! (Which it still was, it was just a little hectic). So we woke up, and one of our investigators called, and told us that there was something that he needed and could not do it by himself! He pretty much just said, "so you guys are always asking if there is something that you can do for me, and I finally found something that I would never be able to figure out. Can you put curlers in my daughter's hair for her recital tonight?" We went over there and helped him out, it was hilarious because he really had NO idea what he was doing. I don't really know why I explained that story, but I guess I am just telling about the entire day.

Us in beautiful Stansbury

Right after we got done with her hair, we got a call from the Assistants saying, "Okay, we have some good news and some bad news. One of the sisters has gone home, and Sister Vawdrey will be transferred to her new area today. Go home, pack up, and get her there." Mind you, we had a baptism in approximately a short amount of time. Within like an hour, we called all of our appointments for the day to reschedule, packed up all my stuff, and rushed to my new home. We then grabbed my new companion and all went to the baptism.

Which is when the day really did get good! Vikki's baptism was unbelievable. She currently has a daughter on a mission, and her other daughters have already been baptized. Her husband had been less active for a long time, but she really wanted him to baptize her. What a need experience we had with them! Her husband received the priesthood at 3:30, baptized his wife at 4:00, and confirmed her at 4:30! She was so excited because in a year from now they get to go to the temple and be married for TIME and ALL ETERNITY! She had so much support there that it was unbelievable, and even the President's wife came! Really, it was absolutely awesome, and it was a good way to end my time in Stansbury!

Now, I am in the city of Tooele.. which is the sister city of some Russian town which I can never remember the name of. Which what does it even mean to be a sister city? Anyway, we are now in an area that sisters have not been in for 20 years, so everyone is pretty ecstatic to have us here. I am still completely lost at what I am doing, but at least it's in my native language so I can learn somewhat faster. I don't really know much about the investigators yet because well, I have only been in this area for a couple days. Which is pretty cool, but it's also pretty stressing.

Well, I don't really know what else to write...


-Hermana (well now Sister) Vawdrey

Us imitating our reaction when Sister Pratt hit and killed a bird in the middle of the road.

Sister Pratt and I dancing in the rain.

Sister Vincent and Sister Pratt in the rain the night before I knew I was getting transferred..

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