Monday, June 3, 2013

Receiving Revelation about the Things We Needed to Teach

So as I said before, I am on my fourth area and fourth companion! I realized last time that I never really said anything about my companion. She is from North Carolina, and we just celebrated her year mark. We get along really well, but it's kind of hard starting an area from scratch. There have not been sisters in this area for 20 years, and so we have spent a lot of time just trying to talk to whoever we can! It's been really exciting. So the other day two of the sisters in our zone (one being my companion) had to go to the mission office for a training, and so I spent the day with the other sister's companion, Sister Howell. She had been out for about 2 weeks, and I had been out for about 8 weeks so we were both completely new, but we had to. Apparently she had been really worried the night before because we were both pretty green, still. She had a distinct impression to use a video while teaching one of the lessons for the day that we were going out.

That's when we had our lesson with Misty. Holy cow, this woman was awesome! We were both really scared because I didn't know her at all, and neither did my temporary companion. But we started to teach the lesson, and we shared the video. Right when it was over, she turned to her husband and said, "Wow, hun, this video was perfect for me right now, wasn't it?" We both looked at each other and gave a sigh of relief. Afterword we explained everything about the Plan of Salvation, and the spirit was SO STRONG. After the lesson, she said, "That was the best lesson that I have ever had! Thank you so much!" It shows that even if you have no idea what you are doing or who you are even teaching, you can still receive revelation about the things that you need to teach regardless of how much experience you have in the mission.

Also! We had another cool experience with a little 10 year old girl. It was about 8:00 at night, and our appointment fell through, so we were walking on the street, and we started talking to these two younger girls. First off, they do not like Mormons, but once we explained that we were Mormons, they said, "well, you guys are cool." So we were just talking, and Lilly said, "where did the ice cream man go? We came outside to find him, but then I saw you guys reflecting the sun. So we had to come talk to you." We just said, "what? What light?" "You know, the light that's all around you!" Yup, listen to the mouths of babes. Her mom pulled up, and she started screaming, "MOM, I WANT TO BE BAPTIZED MORMON!" We both put our hands up and started surrendering because we didn't know how her mom felt. It was funny.

ALSO, I got some spanish practice in the other week. We knocked on the door of a former, and a man from mexico answered the door. We had an hour long lesson, and being that my companion does not speak spanish, it was all on me. Too bad he was a Bible Basher, and really didn't want anything. BUT, I was reassured that my spanish had not been lost. So it's all good. The work is awesome, regardless of where you are. So be good examples and love everyone. No exceptions! The church is not a museum for saints, but rather a hospital for sinners! Don't judge, ya'll.

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