Monday, May 13, 2013

My dad has the gift of prophecy!

My district in South Salt Lake

I'm going to Tooele!

Did I tell you that my dad has the gift of prophecy? Let me explain.

So when I was on the long, treacherous drive from Logan to Highland the night that I opened my mission call, I was a wee bit late. My dad sent me a text that said, "sorry, honey, we couldn't wait for you anymore! We opened up your call and congratulations you are going to Tooele, Utah!" It was hilarious then, but it's even funnier now because I am serving in Tooele, Utah! Actually, it's Stansbury, and it is absolutely gorgeous here! I love it so much!

Sister Pratt, Sister Mahterian, myself and Sister Vincent

Transfers last week were pretty crazy because I thought for sure that I would not be moved out of that area, but I was! And now, I am serving with the coolest peeps in Stansbury! Sister Vincent and I are companions, and we are serving in English! Man, it's a lot different! It's a lot of fun, and I am learning so much from each area that I am serving in! So there are four of us now! Sister Mahterian is the one that is teaching all of us the area, and the only way that I can describe her is the way that she describes herself: "The Mormon Jewish girl that went to a Catholic school with turrets." She is pretty sure she deserves a scholarship for all of that, which is totally true! Also, there is Sister Pratt! Probably the sweetest girl I have EVER known, and she's from Ohio so she has the super cute Ohioan accent! Then there's Sister Vincent.. (Herman Vincent). Which it's a good thing that we really do love each other because we have been sleeping in the same room for 11 out of the 13 weeks that we have been on our missions, and now we are companions again. Good thing we both have a good idea of what we're doing (sarcasm).

Sister Vincent and I have been companions 11 out of the 13 weeks of our missions!

Really though, we are having a lot of fun! We love our President and Sister Winn and all of the people in this mission! It is absolutely great to have them here, and they like us too! They told us that a lot of visa waiters do exactly that.. just wait. So I am trying to do all I can to be a visa worker instead of a visa waiter!

The day we get our visas will be a little sad because we are loving it here! Also, conference edition of the Ensign has A LOT of missionaries from our mission so just keep that in mind as you read it.

Life happens super past, and a lot of the times it doesn't happen the way we want, but keep being excited for what's going to happen next and don't waste your time focusing so much on how things should be different. It's that way for a reason! As Sister Winn always says, "Joy in the Journey." Love you all, and I will see you all in.. to be honest I have no idea!

Sisters serving with a smile!

Love you all! Email me, alright? Because we really have no idea what's going on with us!

Covered in Book of Mormons!

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