Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Being in the Right Place at the Right Time

This week.. where to even begin? I will start with Saturday.

Saturday was a crazy day for us because we left our house at about 6:30 in the morning to bike to Salt Lake to do service. The whole mission got involved with the Comcast Cares efforts, and we were assigned to paint. We painted the walls of the homeless shelter at the Gateway, and it was a lot of fun. By the end of the day, we had paint all over (which I still actually have paint on me). It was really entertaining because people who lived there kept walking through the halls saying stuff like.. "Whoa. Thanks for the free buzz", "Oh my.. the missionaries are making me high", and my favorite was this guy who came walking past all of us saying, "OH YEAH, I am goin' a be walkin' through these halls all day. ALL DAY!" Seriously though, there were no windows or anything so what they were saying was partially true.

Right after the service we had a wedding to go to. Let me explain the circumstances. So this is a lady that I was teaching in Rose Park (and when I say teaching, I mean I was sitting there while my companion taught her because I couldn't understand anything). Anyway, she has been wanting to get baptized for a LONG time, but hasn't been able to because she married a man in Mexico when she was 13, but he left her after a month. She hasn't been able to find him, but has been living with another man for 37 years. 37 years! They couldn't get married because she couldn't find her first husband to get a legal divorce. Some miracles happened after she decided that she was going to be baptized. She decided that she really wanted to get baptized on that Thursday, got her marriage license Friday, and had the wedding that Saturday. The wedding was so much fun, and it was such a privilege to see her finally be able to be legally married to her husband! And next week she gets to be baptized. WHOA.

Another cool experience that happened was at after a dinner appointment the other week. So we ate dinner and asked if the couple knew of anyone that needed to gospel in their lives. They didn't, but they told us that there was a hispanic family that just moved in two doors down. We were going to contact them a different day, but we got the feeling that no.. we need to visit them now. We turned around and went to the door. They were so nice and let us in. Turns out that they were members, and they had just switched neighborhoods. He was involved in the stake in the Burton ward, and his wife was in the relief society. They had been considering staying in the Burton ward, but they said that if Missionaries stopped by to invite them to the Granite ward, then they would switch wards. Lo and behold, we showed up at the perfect time. And let me tell you, our ward NEEDS this family! It's so great being a part of it all.

Okay, one more cool experience. So let me preface this... There is this lady that we have been trying to find for about the whole time that I have been in this area, but she is NEVER home. Either that, or she is ignoring us. Both are totally plausible. Anyway, we were knocking doors, and I had a pretty strong feeling saying, "you need to go see her, and you need to do it now". I don't usually get my answers or anything like that so I was a little hesitant. Long story short, we went, and her kids were outside. Which by the way, her kids love me. I like talking to kids because they are the one's that are teaching me my Spanish. They are awesome. Anyway, we visited with her for a while, and it was great! It's not like one of those stories where we followed the spirit, and BAM she wanted to be baptized that day. Sometimes, however, it's just good to be in the right place at the right time even if it just helps someone for half a day.

Anyway, that's all. Maybe next week I will know if I am going to Argentina. Everyone in this mission is freaking out because they might get "easted". Yeah, the mission is splitting soon, and everyone has their predictions and everything. Who knows, maybe I will get to serve in three missions?

Love you all!

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