Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

New Year's with the Iannone Family.

It´s been a really interesting week, but it´s also been a really good week.  We celebrated the new year!  We were all in bed at 10:30, but still is was great.  The work that day was almost impossible because there was nobody outside. Literally! There was nobody in the streets that day, nothing was open, and it was really really hot.  Even the taxis weren´t running that day.  It was interesting because our zone leaders called us and told us that we were going to be going to Bahía for a meeting with all of the zone leaders and we needed to travel to Mar del Plata.  But there were absolutely no taxis to get to the terminal..  So we walked a pretty good distance.  (But my companion and I love to walk, so really there was no problem.)  The tiring part was the traveling.  It´s about a 7 hour bus ride from Mar del Plata to the mission home.  We left at 11 at night and arrived at 6 in the morning.  The meetings started 8:30 so we didn´t sleep at all.  Regardless of all the traveling, however, it was still a really really good week.  

Alicia is still progressing, they announced her baptism for the January 18, and we was really really content.  Also, we were working with a man named Daniel and his wife.  He told us that he was going to come to church, but there are a lot of people that say that and then don´t do anything.  We were in church and then, BAM. He showed up!  It was super awesome because we didn´t think that he would come.  Really, it´s the best feeling ever to see someone that you care about in the church because we know without a doubt that their week will be better.  Everything here in Balcarce is super great, it´s still really really hot here, but that´s about everything.  Transfers are in a week and we really don´t want to change.  Hermana Rozsa is so great, really.  We get a long really well and everyday we enjoy each other more and more.  We laugh all day everyday (don´t worry, we still do a lot of teaching.)  

Anyway, I am about out of time so that´s about it!  Thanks for the letters, I really appreciate everything!
Beautiful Balcarce

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