Sunday, January 19, 2014

Another Exciting Week of Transfers!

The Zone in Mar del Plata.

The Sisters that Hermana Squire trained!
Another exciting week!  It was also the week of transfers!  I am still with Hermana Rozsa this transfer.  We were both really relieved when they told us that we were both going to be staying in the area because our investigator Alicia wanted us both to be in her Baptism, and now we both can!

Bueno, this week we did divisions with the Hermanas in Mar del Plata.  The first day I did divisions with Hermana Ibaña.  I lived with her before, so it was so great to be able to talk to her and see her.  The second day, I did divisions with Hermana Peterson.  She is from Boston, but she went to Utah State so we had a lot of things in common.  It was really interesting working in a different area.  It was really fun, and I learned a lot of things.  Mar del Plata is really beautiful.  It has the same climate more or less to Southern California, and the beach is super pretty.  Yeah, I saw the beach!  We were in a bus, so it was only for a few seconds, but it´s still better than nothing.

Anyway, this week we saw some awesome miracles.  We are working with an Hermana that wants to be baptized so bad, but her boyfriend refuses to marry her even though they have been together for five years already.  She was an ex  investigator, but when we went to her house she was super awesome.  She wanted to go to church with us so bad!  We told her that we would walk with her, and we were 3 minutes late on sunday, and she called us to ask us where we were.  Normally, we show up, and they have some excuse as to why they can´t show up.  

Also, yesterday!  We were knocking some doors... a lot of doors and nobody was answering.  Seriously for 3 hours, we didn´t even talk to a single person.  All of our appointments fell through and it was already 4:55. We said, we just want to talk to SOMEONE before 5:00, rejection doesn´t matter.  We knocked a door at 4:59 that had the first person that was actually home.  We started to talk to the lady, her name is Andrea.  She saw us and couldn´t believe it, turns out that she had received some of the discussions four years ago and was pretty familiar with our church.  She began to cry because she explained to us that 2 years ago, her mom passed away; and 2 months ago, her brother passed away in a terrible accident.  I don´t remember exactly what we said, but it was a really spiritual experience.  We said the words that God wanted us to say.  In the end, she said, "You know what?  This morning, I woke up and felt a really strong desire to go to church, but I didn´t know what church to go to, I don´t feel like it´s a coincidence that you are here."

All in all, it was a good week.  No time left.  Love you all.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading her posts and seeing her pictures!
    She sounds and looks great!
    I especially love the picture of her, Ibaña and Batisa! Hijas de hermana Squire! :-)
