Monday, April 15, 2013

Transfer: South Salt Lake

My Rose Park District.
Me and my old companion Sister Bragg.
Me and Hermana Ibarra, Nielsen and Bragg, with Elder Andrus in back.

I have been transferred! After two weeks and one day I have already served in two areas, which is pretty much the same as the majority of sisters here. So I am no longer living in Rose Park, but I am living in South Salt Lake. My new companion is Sister Arias. She is from Guatemala, is super nice, and is actually a Temple Square sister that is now doing the proselyting part of the mission. There are four of us living in the same apartment, so I actually got put back with my MTC companion, Sister Vincent. Sister Arias and Sister McNelly were companions, but when Sister Vincent and I came, they split the area. Unfortunately, Sister Arias mostly served in the other area so we are pretty much starting from scratch here. Yeah, two weeks in the field, and we're already white washing. Let's just say that I really know why the Area Book is important now.

Me and Hermana Nielsen after biking back from Temple Square.

Life in South Salt Lake is definitely different than in Rose Park. I think that my Mom was praying a little too hard for my safety because I haven't been able to break up any fights here. But it's all good, this area feels more like Utah instead of Mexico, but it's okay!

Running through the sprinklers after our last transfer.

The people here really are great, and we meet people on the street everyday. One guy was fixing his car yesterday, and we ended up talking to him for a good half hour or so. It really is surprising how so many people live in Utah, and really have no idea what the Book of Mormon is. Crazy Crazy Crazy.

Hermana Vincent and I in our new T-Shirts, on the first day in South Salt Lake!

I really hope that the weather clears up soon because nobody is outside when it's freezing. Which pretty much makes it impossible to find people.

Me and Sister Ibarra touching ET my last night in Rose Park.

Well, once again, I don't know when I will be switching Location so I can't really give out my address. Either email me or wait until I can confidently say what my address is! I miss and love you all!

One night someone brought us 2 dozen roses!

Hermana Vincent and I transferred to China!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jamie, I have sent you a few emails now because that is how you say we can talk to you since you don't quite have an address at this time. But... I haven't heard anything back. I sent you at least one while you were still in the MTC so I don't know what's going on. Let me know how I can write to you though to tell you everything that's going on! You look so happy :) Miss you!
    -Shelby Edwards
