Monday, April 8, 2013

General Conference Weekend

Wow, so much to write about during the weeks here because so much more happens than in the MTC. So I will just start talking.

First off, we broke up a fight a few days ago. We were in the middle of a lesson with a recent convert, and someone called her, and then she immediately ran out of her house and told us to follow her. We ran for a few blocks to find that her daughter was being beaten up by her boyfriend. We broke it up, and started walking our separate ways, and then the boyfriend turned around and started telling us (within his curse words) how he pretty much worships the devil. Needless to say, the cops were involved, and it was a little crazy. But don't worry, I feel 100% safe here! The moral of the story: Don't drink or do drugs. This guy was foaming at the mouth, and I have no idea what caused it. One thing about here is the fact that the families are so broken and have so many problems. It makes you really appreciate the Gospel and how it blesses families.

Have you guys ever seen the Other Side of Heaven? Remember Elder Feki, Elder Groberg's mission companion? We met the real life Feki's Sister our walking the other day. It was super cool, and it's kind of cool because my Branch President in the MTC served in Tonga, and Elder Groberg was his Mission President. Yeah, crazy small world.

So the other night we were walking around, and all of our apartments were falling through. We had been trying to visit with this guy for a while, but we haven't been able to. My companion was pulling our her phone, and then it flew her hands and fell off the balcony. It pretty much landed on this man, and then we started talking. He was so open to everything, and he is probably the sweetest man that we have ever met. His name is Edgar, and he is from Guatemala. He was absolutely awesome. We asked him if we could visit him again, and as we were walking to his house, we saw him on the front porch reading the Book of Mormon! We were so excited! He had been reading it for 20 minutes before we even got there! People always say that they will read or pray, but he actually does it! He even came to general conference, which was absolutely awesome! He said that he loved it. The people here really are so great, and it is going to be hard to say goodbye when my visa does come.

There have been so many blessings of being here. I mean, got to be a missionary in Salt Lake during conference! We got to go to the first session which was so cool. It's funny because I have lived in Utah my entire life, and I never went to conference until I was on my mission. Fun fact, the conference center has 20,595 seats in it. They told us that 90,000 people come to Temple Square for conference. It really is pretty amazing! And I got to see Liza! Which was absolutely fantastic! And it was beautiful weather, which was especially nice for us because we biked to Temple Square both days. It's funny because within a week, I will have gone to Temple Square 4 times. That's over half the week.

I can't believe my mission is what it is. I thought that when I went to Salt Lake before my mission it would be the last opportunity that I would have for 18 months. It's crazy how fast plans can change, but it's pretty remarkable at the same time.

Also, letters.. for now. I would probably just email me because I have no idea if I am staying for another transfer or if I will be done. It is absolutely crazy right now!

I love you all, and I hope that you are all doing well!

-Hermana Jamie Vawdrey

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