Monday, May 19, 2014

The commandments are to protect us and help us!

Making Chorizo.
Boiling water, vicks, and a towel.  I had a stuffy nose!
This week was super great.  Something that I learned was that really the commandments are to protect us and help us, but sometimes we don´t see it that way.  Luckily, we have an investigator that sees it just perfectly.  The other night we saw Juan Carlos, but we couldn´t talk for much time so we left a Law of Chastity pamphlet, told him to read it, and left.  We went back a little bit nervous to see what he would say, but he just says to us, "Hey, chicas, I read the pamphlet.. and I absolutely loved it.  It´s something that nobody respects anymore, but it is exactly what I am looking for in my life."  We were so shocked I really couldn´t believe it.  So yeah, he´s pretty much golden and his baptism was announced yesterday in church for May 24!  So I am really excited for him!  

We also talked to Enzo this week.  He faced his dad and told him that he wanted to go to church instead of work so he did all the arrangements so that he could go to church!  He´s only 19 years old, but he is the best.  We have an appointment with him tonight to talk about his baptism and everything so we are going to see what happens!  

We also met a man named Ramón.  He lives with a member.  He lost his job and pretty much everything.  It´s really sad, but we went to his house and talked to him.  He said that he would come to church with us!  Sunday morning we looked out our window and it was raining SO MUCH!  (Ramón lives really far away).  We said, alright, we are going to go and see if he still wants to go.  We went to his house and when we clapped at the door, he came out completely ready to go!  In the church he said, "I like it so much, I am going to by myself everyweek." 

I think that´s about it.  Let´s see.  Cultural things.

Everyone eats everything with Mayonaise.  SO MUCH!  It doesn´t matter what you are eating, there is always Mayonaise on the table.

Also, they eat french bread with every meal.  If there´s no bread, they wait to buy before eating.

We clap at doors.  I don´t know if I had mentioned that before, but you stand at a door and clap.  

Well, that´s about it. Love you all!

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