Monday, March 10, 2014

This is why I am here in the mission: To help people get through their problems.

My last day with Hermana Rozsa.
I think during the mission this has been the craziest week of all of my mission.  First off, I am no longer companions with Hermana Rozsa.  Yesterday at 4:00, the zone leaders called to tell us that she needed to be on a bus at 8:00 to get to Bahía so it was a quick leave and I am really sad.  But now I am with Hermana Ortiz and Hermana Llave as a trio so we are pretty excited to do some great things.  It was really sad for me to say goodbye to Hermana Rozsa because she is so awesome, but it will all be okay.

We worked Monday, but then Tuesday we had to leave because we had a meeting with all of the zone leaders in the mission home.  So we traveled during the night 7 hours to get to Bahía.  We had an awesome conference with President that was mind blowing.  It´s so awesome to be a missionary during such big changes in the mission.  After that, we traveled back to Mar del Plata and the zone leaders wanted us to do divisions with the sisters there.  So for Thursday and Friday we were in Mar del Plata.  We got back to our area Saturday and started to work. It has all been really really interesting and now I have like no time to write, but we had some pretty cool experiences and funny experiences.

When I was in the conference in Bahía, one of the zone leaders gave me a note that Teresa had written me from my old area.  It was so great to hear from her and know that she was okay.  She told me that she has been really sick with her cancer treatments, but that she is so grateful to have met us and the church.  She has never been happier even though she is suffering more than she ever has before.  This is why I am here in the mission, to help people through their problems.  And apparently baptize all the grandparents.

Also, we were in Alicias house the other day and her memory is going pretty bad.  Nothing really sticks, but she loves to read all of the books of the church.  The other sunday, we talked about the missionary work and how as members we need to share.  They gave each person a Book of Mormon to give to somebody else.  She didn´t understand and thought it was a book she didn´t have.  We went to her house the other day and she said, "I have read up to page 200 in this mormon and in the other mormon I read up to page 140."  She doesn´t realize that they are the same book, but we don´t want to tell her because it´s cute and we don´t want to discourage her from reading it.

Also, it is so humid here.  All of our papers, clothes, and everything is always damp.  It´s super fun.  It´s pretty much water damage always.  

Well, that´s pretty much all for now. 

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