Friday, March 28, 2014

Oscar's baptism, Juan Paulo, NEVER COMPLAIN ABOUT SCHOOL, and Hermana LLave's birthday!

Making Orange Juice in the street!
Alright, it has been another interesting week because well a lot of things happened.  I am still companions with Hermana Ortiz and Hermana Llave, but the zone leaders called almost a week ago that I will have my new companion tomorrow.  And I will be training again, so I am pretty nervous about that.  My time with my companions was really fun.  They really want to learn english, so I am trying my best to help them.  It´s funny because the things they remember are phrases like, "come at me bro", "wazzzup", y "freaking blonde."  It´s pretty funny because they have their accents while saying these things.
Baptism of Oscar y soaking wet.
Anyway, as far as the work goes, it went really well.  It´s a little bit hard because we have investigators from each companionship, but only one companionship to work.  Oh also, we had a baptism this week because the other hermanas were teaching a grandpa named Oscar, and he was going to be baptized last week, but he got really sick.  So... the week he actually got baptized was the only week that they were my companions.  So that was a really cool experience.  He is 70 years old, but acts like a little kid.  His baptism was really sprititual and afterwards, he just wanted to play in the water.  Seriously, he´s like a little kid, but is absolutely awesome.  We were friends before because he had been going to church, but it was good to get to know him better.
Also, Juan Paulo is progressing a lot.  He came to church this week and realized that he already had a lot of friends in the church, but didn´t know that they were members.  It was really good for him to have a good experience his first time because if they have a bad experience in the church the first time they go, it´s really hard to have desires to go again.
Other than that, there were some other things that happened.
Lesson for the kids:  The other day I was talking to some member kids and they started to ask me questions about how school is for us in the United States.  They asked me, "I saw in the movies that you guys have trays and you can choose what you want to eat?... and you guys have lockers where you can put all your books and school stuff?... and you guys can where whatever you want to school?"  When I said yes, they started to freak out because they thought it was just movie stuff.  SO NEVER COMPLAIN ABOUT SCHOOL.  Because we have it the best.

Cumple de la hermana Llave.

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Also, Yesterday was Hermana Llave´s birthday.  She came up to me and said, Will you give me a birthday favor.  Bueno.  She wanted me to take some "chicken fat" from the kitchen sink that was halfway in the drain.  I was a little bit confused because I didn´t remember having any chicken in the house.  Anyway,  I started to pull out the "chicken fat" and then I realized that it was moving.  Long story short, we had a giant slug in our kitchen sink and I totally threw it when I realized what he was.  Hermana Llave already knew what it was, but didn´t want to handle it so she told me that it was meat.
Also, the birds are dying here like crazy.  The other day we had found a lot of dead birds.  Hermana Ortiz was explaining how sad she was because there were so many.  As she was saying this, a bird with a broken wing tried to fly, but couldn´t quite make it to the branch and started to fall.  A giant dog ran as the bird was falling and caught it in it´s mouth like a frisbee.  I think Hermana Ortiz almost started to cry.
That´s pretty much all, thanks for your support.

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