Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thanks for the Letters!

Thank you everyone for the DearElders and actually Letters! Seriously, it's fantastic. Also, I still want to know who wrote from "Tu Amor." Fess up; I am curious. 
 Onto other news, the MTC is still great. People may try and tell you that the MTC is not the best thing ever, but it really is. Well, besides the actually field (I am guessing). The next few weeks will be very interesting because the MTC continues to fill up with more and more Sisters! We have finally brought color to this place! I feel both sad and jealous of the Elders. They don't really get to switch up their outfits too much; but at the same time, they never have to worry about what to wear.

Well, you guys should just ask me questions because I feel like I have so much to write.. and then I come into the computer lab, and BAM.. I have nothing to write.

Tuesdays are really great though because we get to do TRC which is when people volunteer, and we get to practice teaching them. It's really nice to teach those who speak spanish because it gives us really good practice. The language really hasn't seemed to be too much of a problem yet (Thanks to Srta Taylor), but it's a lot of fun to be able to have actually conversations with people who speak really well. Anyway, we were teaching an older lady who was a little hard of hearing, and we started telling us about how music is the fastest way to invite the spirit into a lesson. My companion then asks "What's your favorite hymn?" ..... she gave us both a blank stare nodded her head and responded "yes". So we don't know how much she really understood of what we were saying, but it was cool to hear about her. It was probably funnier when it happened, but thought I would share. 
- Hermana Vawdrey


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