Tuesday, July 8, 2014

God looks out for each and every one of us!

Making a Gingerbread House in style!

A random girl that we helped carry her groceries home . . . now she is in love with us!

The Zone
This week has been so cold.  We are trying to do fun things to help us have a lot of excitement to work because it´s been pretty miserable outside.  We decided it´s more like christmas weather so we decided to celebrate christmas!  It was also the last week of transfers, but pretty much my whole district stayed so we are all really content!  Tres arroyos is far from everything so our district is pretty close.  They are pretty much the best!  So miracles and other stuff.

I realized that God looks out for each and everyone of us!  There is a member that moved from Branch 2 to Branch 1 that was relief society presidente, but when she moved, she stopped going to church.  So we have been looking for her forever, but nobody knows where she lived.  We were randomly walking the other day and we said, "hey, let´s go down this street."  We were in the middle of nowhere walking in the dirt and then we hear, "HERMANAS!"  They seemed to know who we were so we thought that we had talked to them or at least my companion because she has been here longer.  We start walking towards them and Hermana Boyce asks me, "Do you know who they are?"  "Nope, you?"  "Nope."  Talking to them, we realized that it was this same lady that we had been looking for for 6 weeks!  And the other hermanas 6 weeks before I arrived!  It´s interesting that God put us on that road at that exact time.  It´s interesting because we felt like we were lost, but we were really where God wanted us in that moment.  That´s pretty much how everything works.  We feel lost and confused and in the end we realized that it was the plan all along.  So that was our little miracle this week.  (Well, a lot more, but I have no time. )

As for the world cup.  Yes, it is CRAZY!  We pretty much always know what´s happening with the games because it´s in all of the houses, restaurants, gas stations, or the radio outside.  (or through the wall of our apartment from the neighbors)  But I am so glad that we are here during this time!  

Love you all, see you all super soon!  But don´t get trunky ya´ll.
Christmas in June!

We made snow!

My Gingerbread House

My gift from my companion.

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