Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Call

As many of you know, I received my mission call in September of 2012.  I was in Logan when my mom texted me to tell me that the call was at my house.  Needless to say, it was a little more difficult to pay attention during my fluid mechanics class (which is saying a lot because it was always hard to pay attention).

The two hour drive from Logan to Highland seemed a lot longer than two hours.  For all of you who have received your mission call, you probably remember what that anticipation was like.  I am the type of person that is usually fairly calm and laid back, but I was definitely anxious.  I was shaking when I opened my called.

"Dear Sister Vawdrey:

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  You are assigned to labor in the Argentina Bahía Blanca Mission.... You should report to the Provo Mission Training Center on Wednesday, February 13, 2013.  You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Spanish language."

I thought that February 13 would never come, but I can happily say that there is only one week until I report to the MTC!  The five month wait is almost over!  Thank you everyone for being so supportive of my decision to serve a mission!

                               My friends and I the Day that I opened my mission call.

Also, many of you wanted to know my reaction to the age change being that I received my call a week and a half before the announcement.

It is definitely inspired!  Don't get me wrong, it has been difficult seeing all of these 19 year old girls getting their calls and leaving before me, but my negative attitude stems from my jealousy because I wish I could have gone at 19.  Either way, it has happened at this time for a reason, and I will learn to love it!

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