Thursday, February 13, 2014

God answers prayers, even when they are super simple and small!

Everything is great here in Balcarce.  We went to Bahía because we had meeting there.  Yeah, 7 more hours of traveling each way. It´s actually pretty fun so don´t feel too bad for me.  

Anyway, the work and miracles.  God answers our prayers that are super simple and small.  The other day we were praying because we were so hungry.  Then we said, well let´s go to tal lady´s house.  Bueno.  We went and it turns out that it was her birthday!  She made so many cakes and all.  Seriously, be careful what you pray for because you never know if it´s going to be too much. No it was great!  And then she came to church the next day so it was a super good day.

Every night we made goals of what we want to do for the next day.  Last night we had all of our goals reached.. we were only lacking one lesson.  It was 8:45, but we said, okay, we are going to run and find someone who wants to listen to us.  We saw a man on the side of the street, and so we started to talk to him.  He was super atheist, but we felt like we needed to talk to him more.  10 minutes later, his friend came out of the house and asked, "what church are you guys from?"..."The church that´s in 7 y 20"..."I always wanted to go to that church, but I never knew if I could just show up, can I go to your meetings?"  Yeah, it´s all about the little miracles that we do that depend on everything.

That´s pretty much all.. oh and to explain the picture of the ROUS (rat of unusual size), we were in a lesson outside the house and all of a sudden this child starts dragging this rat and then gave it to the investigator.... So obviously we took pictures of it.  

That´s all, no time.  Loves to all!

With a random HUGE animal!

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