Monday, February 17, 2014

I can't believe that I've been in the mission for a year now!

We are in Mar del Plata again because we have a zone activity today.  First time ever, yeah, we are pretty psyched. 

Anyway, I can´t believe that I have been in the mission for a year now.  It´s crazy how fast time flies.  Exactly a year ago, I was in the MTC learning all about what the mission was going to be.  hahaha It´s so much different.  But it´s the best, honestly. 

This week we had some pretty awesome experiences.  First off, Zulma.  She is super great.  She is the lady that always wanted to know about our church but didn´t know when the meetings were.  We were talking with her the other day and she said, "I want to be a part of this because I have a lot of family that is mormon now and there were some huge changes.  It´s not just a baptism, it´s a way to live."  Yeah, I would pretty much say that she is prepared.  She is super great, so we are really excited to keep teaching her!

Also, crazy story.  We knocked a door the other day and we started talking to a lady about the church and all, then she interrupts us and says, "I was baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints, but I went inactive 15 years ago.  I know that the church is true, but it is hard for me to return.  God told me that he would tell me when it was the right time."  I think that two missionaries knocking on a door is a pretty big sign.  Especially because she isn´t from Balcarce, she lives in a city 20 minutes out of town, but was visiting for 5 minutes in the house of a friend because she was going to go to a wedding.  Coincidence?  No way.  None of her family is a member.  Her husband and 6 kids.  It was pretty amazing to be honest. 

That´s pretty much my week... well all that I have time for.  I love you all!  And the mission is the best thing ever!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

God answers prayers, even when they are super simple and small!

Everything is great here in Balcarce.  We went to Bahía because we had meeting there.  Yeah, 7 more hours of traveling each way. It´s actually pretty fun so don´t feel too bad for me.  

Anyway, the work and miracles.  God answers our prayers that are super simple and small.  The other day we were praying because we were so hungry.  Then we said, well let´s go to tal lady´s house.  Bueno.  We went and it turns out that it was her birthday!  She made so many cakes and all.  Seriously, be careful what you pray for because you never know if it´s going to be too much. No it was great!  And then she came to church the next day so it was a super good day.

Every night we made goals of what we want to do for the next day.  Last night we had all of our goals reached.. we were only lacking one lesson.  It was 8:45, but we said, okay, we are going to run and find someone who wants to listen to us.  We saw a man on the side of the street, and so we started to talk to him.  He was super atheist, but we felt like we needed to talk to him more.  10 minutes later, his friend came out of the house and asked, "what church are you guys from?"..."The church that´s in 7 y 20"..."I always wanted to go to that church, but I never knew if I could just show up, can I go to your meetings?"  Yeah, it´s all about the little miracles that we do that depend on everything.

That´s pretty much all.. oh and to explain the picture of the ROUS (rat of unusual size), we were in a lesson outside the house and all of a sudden this child starts dragging this rat and then gave it to the investigator.... So obviously we took pictures of it.  

That´s all, no time.  Loves to all!

With a random HUGE animal!

Monday, February 3, 2014

God always puts people where they need to be to learn more about the gospel if they are wanting it.

If you thought I had no time to write before, today is even less time.  I think that every week it gets to be less and less that I actually end up sending.

Anyway, experiences.  This week we had an appointment with one of our investigators that lives super far away (Cintia from last week.)  And in her house there was a lady that wanted NOTHING to do with us or religion in general.  She had had some pretty nasty experiences in the past with Pastors and leaders from other religions and did not want anything.  We explained the restoration to her friend and by the end it turned out that she was more excited that our actual investigator.  She was asking a lot of good questions and wanted to learn a lot more.  Her home life is really sad, but it´s interesting how God always puts people where they need to be to learn more about the gospel if they are wanting it.

Also, our investigator Enzo.  We have been having such a hard time talking to him and contacting him because his phone is broken and our phone is medio broken, too.  But it was pretty cool because we didn´t know what to do with him, but then he was randomly in the street.  He said, "Hermanas, I have been able to go to church lately because my dad is making me work, but I have decided I want to get baptized in March for my birthday."  uh....... it was the opposite of what we were thinking, but I was super happy!  God works with people even when we aren´t there or teaching.  During this time, he realized that he wants to be a member and that things with his mom were bettering.  

Also, normally we see dead frogs everywhere, but this past week.  We were in the house of a less active woman and then she said, "excuse me", stood up, and started sweeping the floor.  We looked down, and it turns out that she was sweeping a jumping frog from the house.  It was pretty interesting.  That´s pretty much it!

Love you all!